Rocky has been sold to some very nice people, but his memory lives on with me and the journey we took together.
(Festival Rock N Roll x Morningside Delight)
Bay, hind fetlocks
Born Mar 3, 2003
14.3 hh
(Pedigree)I met Rocky in Oklahoma in 2011 while attending the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show. Rocky placed third in the World Championship Western Pleasure Ladies. As a spectator, this beautiful bay horse with a twinkle in his eye, caught my attention. I purchased Rocky at 8 p.m. the last night of the show and he was on a truck heading for Canada the next morning. We spent the winter getting to know each other and at the end of the 2012 show season, Rocky received the Canadian Morgan Horse Association (CMHA) Western Pleasure Reserve Champion award. 2013 turned out to be Rocky’s year! He received CMHA Western Pleasure Champion award and CMHA Champion Overall award. He was also blessed with the title of Equine Canada Morgan of the Year.

Outside of the show ring, Rocky is a real character. He likes to take off his blanket, take the halter off the horse tied next to him on the trailer, and blow and snort at objects to check your reaction. Rocky is a beautiful soul, inside and out. I love this guy!

Please join Country Rose Morgans on Facebook for more pictures and up to date information.