"Come with me where dreams are born."
- Peter Pan
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man."
-Winston Churchhill
Country Rose Morgans is dedicated to breeding quality Morgan Horses by focusing on bloodlines, disposition, intelligence, natural movement and beauty to provide willing partners, whether it be for the show ring, on the trail or producing beautiful, well-bred offspring. Please go to the "My Horses" tab for more information on Who is Doing What! Surprise! You will not only find Morgans, but the occasional Welsh Pony and Friesian lurking amongst the Morgans. Triple the fun!!

"You and your horse. His strength and beauty. Your knowledge and patience and determination. And understanding. And love. That’s what fuses the two of you into this marvelous partnership that makes you wonder, what can Heaven offer any better than what you have here on earth?"
-Monica Dickens

Welcome to Country Rose Morgans. Take a jog through the site and meet the horses! Enjoy!

Please join Country Rose Morgans on Facebook for more pictures and up to date information.